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Member Classifications:


Active Members
Include officers and representatives of chemical manufacturers, chemical consumers and distributors, as well as representatives of companies engaged in the support of the chemical industry. The Board has final determination on membership eligibility.


Honorary Members
An individual who has been an active member for at least five years and is totally retired from the chemical industry. Membership is complimentary and they are not eligible to hold office.


Associate Members

This membership consists of individuals from the local academic community. Membership is complimentary and they are not eligible to hold office.

Apply for Membership: 


2024 Individual Membership Application form

2024 CCA Corporate Membership Application form

To apply for membership to the Cleveland Chemical Association, please be advised that active members shall include officers and representatives of: Chemical manufacturers, chemical consumers, and distributors; and representatives of companies engaged in the support of the chemical industry. The Board of Trustees shall make the final determination on the eligibility of any person proposed for membership.


If you wish to become a member of the Cleveland Chemical Association, click on the Membership Application form link above.  Please print and fill it out the form, and then mail it along with your check for yearly dues, to the address listed at the bottom of the form.

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